Book et inspirerende foredrag om kreativitet og personlig udvikling i
talkshow format imellem animator Karsten Hoop og en inspirator fra
toppen af branchen.

I får 2×45 minutters powertalk
inklusive 1,5 times Q & A

for 10.000 DKK*

*Enkelte skoler får tilbudt 50% rabat imod at vi må optage og filme sessionen.
OBS Ingen elever vil blive filmet. Spørg til dette.

Fås også som virtual talk via Zoom



Michael Georgi is a creative wizzard – a serial entrepreneur and innovator who has worked for over 350 companies around the world and has been the creative director, producer, designer
and illustrator defining and leading over 2500 projects in the field of media, communication, design and film.
He shaped countless identities, media, physical and virtual products for well known brands and works with a wide range of media.

He is a storyteller and innovator from heart and through his lifelong studies and experiences from hundreds of real world scenarios and productions, he is highly skilled in expression of stories, moods and feelings thru the spoken word, the drawn and the moving picture, the composed music and the crafted

He also is an author, script writer, oversees the development of companies and also works as an inspirational speaker.